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What makes a wine list? Dmytro Goncharuk, Corrigans Mayfair

Published:  16 June, 2023

In the final instalment of our online series, one last time, Harpers is going back to basics with a member of the UK hospitality industry to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.


What makes a wine list? Joel Bastian, Kitchin Group

Published:  14 June, 2023

In this series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.


What makes a wine list? Lucy Hjort, Melton’s

Published:  12 June, 2023

As we continue online our 'What Makes a Good Wne List?' series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that ensures a modern wine list is successful.


What makes a wine list? Phil Provart, Fhior

Published:  09 June, 2023

As we continue online our 'What Makes a Good Wne List?' series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that ensures a modern wine list is successful. 


What makes a wine list? Elise Merigaud, La Dame de Pic

Published:  05 June, 2023

In our online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.


What makes a wine list? Oliver Kaviani, JÖRO

Published:  02 June, 2023

In our online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.


What makes a wine list? Beatrice Bessi, Chiltern Firehouse

Published:  31 May, 2023

In a new online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.


What makes a wine list? Glen Montgomery, Eòrna

Published:  25 May, 2023

In a new online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.